About IVAS

The International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting excellence in the practice of veterinary acupuncture as an integrative part of veterinary medicine. IVAS is an incorporated educational and membership based organization.

The MISSION of the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society is to provide, promote and support veterinary acupuncture and related treatment modalities through quality basic, advanced and continuing education; internationally recognized certification for veterinarians; and support responsible research.

IVAS has been setting the global standard in veterinary acupuncture since 1974. IVAS was one of the first international organizations and has Affiliate organizations in many countries.

The VISION of the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society is to provide worldwide professional leadership advocating for veterinary acupuncture, related treatment modalities and striving to establish acupuncture as part of modern veterinary medicine.


  • We value Diversity  –  All modalities and cultures respected and included
  • We value Fellowship and family – Through Affiliates, Members, and IVAS Staff
  • We value Tradition and Science – We respect the tradition and science underpinning Acupuncture and Chinese Veterinary Medicine
  • We value Innovation – We embrace innovation and new ideas
  • We value Integrity – We are open and diverse and hold our educational integrity and high standards – Our program for Certification is of the highest standard


IVAS was founded in 1974 when a group of veterinarians in the United States formed the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS) to promote the use of veterinary acupuncture and to increase education in this modality. IVAS was first incorporated in the State of Georgia on December 16, 1974. In 1974-1975 the first acupuncture course was held in Cincinnati, Ohio. The first certification exam was held in 1975. At this time there were 80 members of the society.

IVAS has continued to grow worldwide with certification courses internationally recognized as a certification in excellence in acupuncture. We are now incorporated in the state of Colorado as a nonprofit organization that is governed by a body of 11 Board of Directors, a House of Delegates and a body of hard working committees. The IVAS office is run by an Executive Director and a dedicated staff of one.

Our logo represents the Yin and the Yang and the delicate balance of health and life and neither is static. The normal fluctuations and pulsations have been ever present since the conception of this organization.